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Hi, I am here now-

Hellow, I am Witchy Melon, but Melon is fine.

So, I've never done, like, a site or a blog post before, but here I am. Making one.

I don't even really know what to write here but thanks for finding me! Hope you have fun exploring my stuff. I know I had fun drawing.

I guess I'll tell you a bit about me, huh.

So, I am Melon, nice meeting you. I love drawing, reading, writing and going on walks in the forest during spring. I am a vampire in the summer, though, since the sun burns my skin very easily. I also have pointy teeth, love meals that have lots of meat and I don't like garlic. I might be an actual vampire, hold on-

My whole aesthetic for my life are watermelons. It started as a joke but I can't stop now and I am not planning on stopping, either. One might say I am a little obsessed but pfffft I don't think I am obsessed yet. Getting there, though.

Oh yeah, I am currently writing a book, though I am taking a hiatus due to school and life stuff. I do want to continue soon though since it is my baby and I've been working on this story for actual years. Like, seriously, I've rewritten the entire story a few times.

I do have a Wattpad though, where I am planning on posting writing drafts to work on my writing. There you'll come to find I am a huge nerd.

Also, I do commissions. I'll leave my commission price sheet in this post for ya, if you wanna commission me. Be warned, I am hella slow (you know, school can be a pain) but I will get to you, don't you worry.

Okay, I think I will stop here. I could keep writing but I might never stop. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a lovely day/night, wherever you are! <3

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Redbubble Updates

Ayo, guess who remembered they sell stuff on Redbubble? This idiot. So, I added stuff on my page (It should be linked to my site) so go ahead and check it out! I am WitchyMelon on Redbubble and I am c

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