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Been a while. Again.

YEAH SO lots of things happened such as drama, an ear infections, work, life in general–you know how it is.

But I haven't been sitting around and doing nothing, I began writing a book which I am hoping to finish and release to the public in the future. I've also updated my commission prices since I wanna actually do this professionally.

If anyone is interested then, you know, feel free to contact me. Commissions are currently open!

If you can't affort any commissions then you can head over to my Redbubble page and support me there, things on Redbubble such as stickers and notebooks are usually very cheap but it would help me out a lot.

I also ordered the Pokémon Pearl remake and I'm thinking about streaming it to my Twitch (once I found a cheap enough capture card or something)

I'll show my updated commission sheet here so you can have a look at the prices.

I know, it is a massive change from my previous prices but like I said I want to do this for a living.

I've also added the option of Coloured Sketch which has been popular amongst my friends.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll be adding stuff to my Redbubble soon, too, so stay tuned for that.

Stay safe, remember to hydrate!

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Redbubble Updates

Ayo, guess who remembered they sell stuff on Redbubble? This idiot. So, I added stuff on my page (It should be linked to my site) so go ahead and check it out! I am WitchyMelon on Redbubble and I am c

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